Sunday, September 11, 2011

I am a winner

I'm sure that headline got your attention. I just found out I won two copies of Vegan Unplugged from the Vegan Heritage Press site. I am so excited. Once I receive these cookbooks I'll have a drawing to give away one of them. Be sure to check back often so you can enter.

I've been really busy lately and remade a few dishes over the weekend that you should check out incase you missed them the first time. Baked Potato Soup is delicious and I don't normally do very much 'cooking' in the microwave (but remember the I've been really busy lately part!).

 This soup is really delicious and I decided since I was already cooking in the microwave to add my Refried Bean Poblano with Cheese to round out the meal.

I also decided to try the Tuna Salad recipe from Happy Herbivore and I'm hooked. I took some to work to share with a coworker and she couldn't belive it wasn't tuna. Lindsay has this recipe on her site -- go try it. The only differences I made was to use chopped onion instead of onion powder and Bragg's instead of soy sauce.

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